JST Privacy Policy

Revision No.: 20231109
Your trust is essential to JST Keenly aware of the importance of user information security, JST will take security protection measures in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations to protect the security of your user information. User information refers to the user information, such as name and contact information, that you submit or JST collects when you register as a user of JST and use the products and services of JST and when JST provides services to you. Please refer to Clause 2 of this Privacy Policy for details.
In view of the above, HONGKONG JUSHUITAN TECH CO., LTD. (“JST”) has formulated this JST Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) and reminds you that please carefully read and fully understand this Privacy Policy (especially those content in bold) before using JST services, and use related products and services only after confirming that you have fully understood and agreed the Policy. JST products and services include JST SaaS Collaboration Platform (https://asia-web.jsterp.com), as well as the webpages, mobile clients and media official accounts etc. that JST may develop in future to realize some or all functions of the JST SaaS Collaboration Platform. By starting to use JST services, you will be deemed as having accepted and acknowledged the content of this Privacy Policy.
JST respects and protects user information and will exercise a high level of diligence and duty of care to treat the information. When you use the services provided by JST, JST will collect, process and disclose your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Hoping to offer you a clear introduction through this Privacy Policy about how JST handles your information, JST suggests that you read the entire Privacy Policy to understand how you can protect your privacy. If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions, please contact JST at any time through the means stated in “9. How to Contact JST”. This Policy will help you understand the following:
Table of Contents
1. Scope of Application of this Privacy Policy
2. How JST Collects and Uses Your User Information
3. How JST Shares, Transfers and Discloses Your User Information
4. User Business Data
5. How You Manage Your User Information
6. How JST Uses Cookie and Similar Technologies
7. How JST Protects and Stores Your User Information
8. Special Provisions on User Information of Minors
9. Update of the Privacy Policy
10. How to Contact JST
1. Scope of Application of this Privacy Policy
1.1 This Privacy Policy applies to all products and services of JST, including JST SaaS Collaboration Platform (https://asia-web.jsterp.com), as well as web pages, mobile clients and media official accounts etc. that JST will develop in future to realize some or all functions of the JST SaaS Collaboration Platform.
1.2 This Privacy Policy does not apply to services provided for your by other third parties through JST.
2. How JST Collects and Uses Your User Information
2.1 Help you become a JST user
2.1.1 When you create an account with JST, you must provide your company name, administrator name, cellphone number and email address to JST.
2.2 Provide you with technical services
2.2.1 During your use of the services, JST will collect the following information: Log information: when you use the services provided by JST’s website or applets, JST will automatically collect detailed information about your use of JST services and save the same as relevant network logs, in order to fulfill JST’s obligation in network security protection. Such information includes, for example, your search and query content, IP address, browser type, telecom operator, language used, date and time of visits, records of web pages you have visited, etc. Support information of user account: JST will record and analyze the user consulting records, trouble reporting records and troubleshooting process (such as communication or call records) generated based on your use of JST services, in order to respond to your requests for help.
2.2.2 While providing you with business functions or specific services, JST will collect, use, store, provide others with, and protect your user information in accordance with this Policy and the corresponding product service agreements; if your user information is collected beyond the scope of the provisions of this Policy and the corresponding product service agreements, JST will explain the scope and purpose of information collection to you separately and obtain your consent first before collecting your information that is necessary for providing corresponding services; if you choose not to provide the above information, your use of the relevant product will be affected, but your use of the basic functions of JST’s website and other products will not be affected.
3. How JST Discloses Your User Information
Please understand that for the sole purpose of realizing the objectives stated herein, some modules and functions of JST will be provided by service providers, and thus JST may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and user experience. JST will abide by the following principles when cooperating with these partners:
(1)The principle of legality, legitimacy and minimum necessity: data processing should have a legal basis and a legitimate purpose, and should be limited to the minimum range required for achieving the purpose of processing;
(2)The principle of maximizing users’ right to be informed and to make decisions: users’ right to be informed of, and to make decisions on, the processing of their personal information should be fully respected during the data processing;
(3)The principle of maximizing security protection capability: JST will take necessary measures to protect the security of personal information being processed, carefully evaluate the output form of information data, the security of data circulation and the purpose of partners’ use of the data, comprehensively assess the security protection capability of the partners and require them to comply with the relevant requirements of cooperation agreements. If it is found that any partner has processed personal information in violation of regulations, JST will immediately stop cooperation and hold the partner accountable for legal liabilities.
3.1 Entrusted processing
JST may entrust authorized partners to process your personal information so that such authorized partners can, on behalf of JST, provide certain services for you or perform their duties. JST will entrust the authorized partners to process your information only for the legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes stated herein. The authorized partners can only access the information necessary for them to perform their duties, and JST will require them not to use such information for any other purposes beyond the scope of entrustment through an agreement. Any authorized partner, if wishing to use your information for any purpose not entrusted by JST, will request for your consent separately.
At present, authorized partners entrusted by JST include the following type:
3.1.1 Authorized payment partners: in order to complete order payments, JST will provide your account information, order information, payment account information and other information necessary for the completion of payments to authorized third-party payment partners.
3.1.2 Other cases as provided by law.
3.2 Sharing with third parties
In principle, JST will not share your user information with other organizations and individuals, except in the following circumstances:
3.2.1 Sharing with your explicit consent: with your explicit consent, JST will share your user information with other parties;
3.2.2 Sharing necessary for fulfilling legal obligations: JST may share your user information with others according to the requirements of laws and regulations, litigation and arbitration needs, or requirements put forward by administrative and judicial organs in accordance with the law.
3.2.3 Other cases as provided by law.
3.3 Transfer
JST will not transfer your user information to any company, organization or individual, except in the following circumstances:
3.3.1 Transfer with your explicit consent: with your explicit consent, JST will transfer your user information to other parties;
3.3.2 Transfer as per applicable laws and regulations, requirements of legal procedures, and mandatory administrative or judicial requirements;
3.3.3 Transfer in line with the provisions in relevant agreements signed with you (including electronic agreements signed online) or other legal documents;
3.3.4 If the transfer of user information is involved in the event of a consolidation, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation between JST and another legal entity or other circumstances involving consolidation, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, JST will require the new company and organization that hold your user information to be bound by this Policy as well, or shall otherwise require the company, organization and individual to seek your consent and authorization again. In case of a bankruptcy where there is no successor, JST will delete the data in accordance with the law.
3.3.5 other cases as provided by law.
3.4 Public disclosure
JST will not publicly disclose your user information except in the following circumstances:
3.4.1 With your explicit consent or based on your active choice, JST may publicly disclose your user information, for example, if you choose to disclose your contact information (phone number, WeChat account etc.) to other users when you use the distribution function;
3.4.2 If your personal information must be provided according to the requirements of laws and regulations, or compulsory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, JST may publicly disclose your user information according to the required type of personal information and means of disclosure. On the premise of abiding by laws and regulations, JST will, upon the receipt of the above requests for information disclosure, require that corresponding legal documents, such as summons or investigation letters, must be issued. JST firmly believes that the information required from JST should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. JST will carefully examine all requests to make sure that they have a legal basis and that the disclose is limited to the data which law enforcement authorities have the legal right to obtain for specific investigation purposes. To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, documents disclosed by JST are all protected by encryption keys.
3.4.3 To protect the personal and property safety of the users of JST and its affiliates or the public from damage, JST may disclose your user information as per applicable laws or relevant agreements and rules of JST Platforms.
3.5 Exceptions to obtaining prior consent for the sharing, transfer or public disclosure of user information
In the following circumstances, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of your user information do not require your prior consent:
3.5.1 Where it is related to national security and national defense security;
3.5.2 Where it is related to public safety, public health or major public interests;
3.5.3 Where it is related to the investigation, prosecution and trials of crimes, enforcement of judgments, etc.;
3.5.4 Where it is out of consideration for safeguarding your or other individuals’ life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests yet is difficult to obtain your or other individuals’ consent;
3.5.5 Where you voluntarily disclose your personal information to the public; and
3.5.6 Where the personal information is collected from legitimate public sources, such as legal news reports and government information announcements.
3.5.7 Other cases as provided by law.
3.6 In order to provide better services for all users, we may need to use your personal information or authorize a third party to use the same. You hereby understand and agree that JST has the free-of-charge, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sublicensable rights and licenses worldwide to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works based on, disseminate, perform and display such content (in whole or in part) and/or to include such content into works, media or technologies of any other form that are known or will be developed.
4. User Business Data
Unlike your user information, your user business data will be handled by JST as follows:
4.1 All data that you process, store, upload, download and otherwise handle, through services provided by JST, are your user business data that are completely owned by you. JST will only strictly follow your instructions to process your business data, and will not conduct any unauthorized use or disclosure of your business data unless with your consent or for the purpose of implementing explicit requirements of laws and regulations. Meanwhile, JST warrants to process user business data in a legal, legitimate and necessary manner based on the duty of care.
4.2 You should be responsible for the legality of the source, content and processing of your user business data. JST reminds you to carefully judge the legality thereof and obtain the consent of individuals, or the permission, registration or appraisal of government departments, that is necessary for the processing of such data in accordance with the law. You should bear all consequences and liabilities arising therefrom if the source and content of your user business data and your processing thereof are in violation of laws and regulations, departmental rules or national policies.
4.3 JST will honor its security commitment to users and protect the data stored by users in accordance with applicable laws.
5. How You Manage Your User Information
5.1. To check and manage (change, delete) the basic business information (basic material) and contact information submitted when you use JST services, you may log into JST’s website www.jsterp.com, or contact JST customer service at +66-21-020-973 by phone.
5.2. In the following circumstances, you may request JST to delete user information:
5.2.1. Where JST’s acts of processing user information violate laws and regulations;
5.2.2. Where JST collects and uses your user information without your explicit consent;
5.2.3. Where JST’s acts of processing personal information constitute severe breach of our agreements with you.
To safeguard security, you may need to provide a written request or prove your identify in other ways. JST may require an authentication of your identify first before processing your request.
5.3. You can change the scope of authorization that you grant to JST to collect and process your personal information or withdraw the authorization. You may contact the customer service at +66-21-020-973 for modification, but please note that for some types of personal information, such as information required to realize the basic functions of JST or information necessary for JST to fulfill its obligations specified by laws and regulations, JST may not be able to respond to your request to change the scope of authorization. After you withdraw your consent, JST will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information previously conducted by JST based on your authorization.
5.4. You may apply for the cancellation of your account: please contact the customer service at +66-21-020-973 to assist you in applying for the cancellation. After you voluntarily cancel your account, JST will stop providing you with products or services and delete your personal information or anonymize the same in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws.
5.5 How to respond to your requests for rights
5.5.1 To safeguard security, you may need to provide a written request or prove your identify in other ways. JST may require an authentication of your identify first before processing your request. JST will make a reply within fifteen days.
5.5.2 In principle, JST will not charge you for your reasonable requests. However, for repeated requests beyond reasonable limits, JST will charge a certain cost as appropriate. JST may refuse those requests that are unnecessarily repetitive, require too many technical means (for example, requiring development of new systems or fundamental change of existing practices), bring risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others or are very unrealistic (for example, those involving the backup of information stored on tapes).
5.6 Subject to the requirements of relevant laws, your close relatives may, after identity authentication by JST, exercise the above-mentioned rights of checking, correcting, deleting and copying your relevant personal information, unless you have other arrangements.
5.7 Exceptions to response to your requests for rights;
5.7.1 Where it is related to JST’s fulfillment of obligations specified in laws and regulations;
5.7.2 Where it is directly related to national security and national defense security;
5.7.3 Where it is directly related to public safety, public health or major public interests;
5.7.4 Where it is directly related to investigation, prosecution and trials of crimes, enforcement of judgments, etc.;
5.7.5 Where JST has sufficient evidence to show that you or other subjects of personal information have subjective malice or abuse of rights;
5.7.6 Where it is out of consideration for safeguarding your life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests or those of other subjects of personal information yet is difficult to obtain your or other subjects’ consent;
5.7.7 Where responding to your requests or those of other subjects of personal information will cause serious damage to your legitimate rights and interests or those of other subjects of personal information or organizations;
5.7.8 Where trade secrets are involved.
5.7.9 Other cases as provided by law.
6. How JST uses Cookie and Similar Technologies
6.1 In order to make your visits easier, JST will store small text files named cookies on your computer or mobile devices. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. JST can only read cookies provided by JST itself.
6.2 JST may collect and use your information through cookies and other related technologies.
6.3 JST uses cookies for the following specific purposes:
6.3.1 Remembering your identity: for example, cookies can help JST identify you as a registered user of JST.
6.3.2 Analyzing your use of JST services, so as to provide you with more thoughtful and personalized services, including customized pages, recommendations, etc.
6.4 You may refuse or manage cookies through browser settings. However, please note that if you disable cookies, you may not enjoy the best service experience, and the usability of some functions may be affected.
6.5 This Privacy Policy will apply to the relevant information recorded via JST cookies.
7. How JST Protects and Stores Your User Information
7.1 JST attaches great importance to your information security. JST strives to take all reasonable physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect your user information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. For example, JST will use encryption technology to improve the security of user information; JST will use a trusted protection mechanism to prevent malicious attacks on user information; and JST will deploy an access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the user information.
7.2 JST will take reasonable and feasible measures to avoid the collection of irrelevant user information as far as possible. JST will only retain your user information for the period required to achieve the purposes stated herein, unless otherwise permitted by law. After the expiry of the said period for retaining user information, JST will delete or anonymize your personal information.
7.3 Please use a complicated password to help JST protect the security of your account. JST will strive to protect the security of any information you send to JST. If the physical, technical or managerial protection facilities of JST are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering or destruction of information and damage to your legitimate rights and interests accordingly, JST will bear corresponding legal liabilities.
7.4 After the unfortunate occurrence of a user information security incident (leakage, loss etc.), JST will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, timely inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures that JST has taken or will take, the suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce risks and the remedial measures for you. JST will inform you of the incident in time by email, letter, phone, push notice, etc. Where it is difficult to inform the subjects of user information one by one, JST will make an announcement in a reasonable and effective way. Meanwhile, JST will report the handling of the user information security incident to the regulatory authorities according to their requirements.
7.5 JST will properly store information according to the requirements of local laws and regulations. JST will inform you of the name, contact information, processing purpose and processing method of the overseas recipient, types of personal information as well as the ways and procedures for you to exercise your rights to the overseas recipient. JST will take such necessary measures as de-identification, encrypted transmission, regular audit and assessment of the security capability level of the recipient and signing of data processing agreements/clauses, and fulfill compliance obligations according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.
7.6 If the operation of JST products and services is stopped, JST will take reasonable measures to protect the security of your user information, including timely stopping activities that continue to collect user information; delivering the notice of operation stoppage to users one by one or through an announcement; and deleting or anonymizing the personal information held thereby.
8. Special Provisions on the User Information of Minors
8.1. JST provides products and services for adults only, but not for minors.
8.2. Limited by existing technologies and business models, it is difficult for JST to actively identify the personal information of minors during the account registration process. If you are a minor’s guardian and find that JST has obtained the personal information of the minor without his/her authorization, you may contact JST through the contact information stated herein. JST will check the situation in time after receiving your notice and delete or anonymize the relevant information in time after verification. If discovering the above situation during any review initiated thereby, JST will also take the initiative to delete or anonymize the relevant personal information.
9. Update of the Privacy Policy
9.1 JST’s Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time.
9.2 Without your explicit consent, JST will not restrict your rights that you should enjoy as per this Privacy Policy.
9.3 For major revisions, JST will also provide more prominent notices (including notification through website announcement and even pop-up reminders for some services to explain the specific changes of the Privacy Policy).
9.4 The major changes referred to in this Policy include but are not limited to:
9.4.1 Major changes in the service mode of JST, such as the purpose of processing user information, the type of user information processed, the way of using user information, etc.
9.4.2 Major changes in the control and organizational structure of JST, such as changes of owners arising from business adjustment, bankruptcy, merger and acquisition, etc.;
9.4.3 Changes in the main objects of the sharing, transfer or public disclosure of user information;
9.4.4 Major changes in your right to participate in the processing of user information and the way you exercise the right;
9.4.5 Changes in the responsible department in charge of user information security, the contact means and the complaint channels of JST;
9.4.6 Existence of high risk as suggested by a user information security impact assessment report.
10. How to Contact JST
If you have any questions or comments about the content of this statement and Policy or about JST’s practice and operation concerning this Privacy Policy, you may log into the official website www.jsterp.com of JST and click the online customer service or directly call customer service at +66-21-020-973 to contact JST, and JST will reply to your request within fifteen working days.